Wautoma Area School District
Approved 05/27/92
Revised 07/25/02
In the interest of maintaining order and discipline in the schools and to protect the safety and welfare of the students and school district personnel, school authorities may conduct personal searches or searches of student locker/storage areas and seize any unauthorized, illegal, or contraband materials discovered in the search.
For purposes of this policy, “school authority” shall be defined as district administrator, building principal, assistant principals, a police-school liaison officer, law enforcement official, fire department personnel, or a school employee designated by the district administrator.
As used in this policy, the term “unauthorized” means any item dangerous to the health or safety of students or school personnel, or disruptive of any lawful function, mission, or process of the school, or any item described as unauthorized in school rules available beforehand to the student.
A student’s failure to permit searches and seizures as provided in this policy will be considered grounds for disciplinary action.
A. Personal Searches
1. A student’s person and/or personal effects (e.g. purse, bookbag, etc.) may be searched whenever a school authority has reasonable suspicion to believe that the student is in possession of illegal or unauthorized materials. An adult witness shall be present.
2. If a pat down search of a student’s person is conducted, it will be conducted in private by a school authority of the same gender and with an adult witness present.
3. If the school authority has reasonable suspicion to believe that the student has on his/her person an item imminently dangerous to the student or to others, a more intrusive search of the student’s person may be conducted. Such a search may only be conducted in private by a school authority of the same gender with an adult witness of the same gender present, and only upon the prior approval of the district administrator or his/her designee, unless the health and safety of the student(s) shall be endangered by the delay that might be caused by following these procedures.
4. Any unauthorized item found on a student’s person and/or personal effect may be removed. Items removed may be held by the school for return to the parent/guardian of the student or retained for disciplinary proceedings, or turned over to law enforcement officials. The adult student or parent/legal guardian of a minor student shall be notified of items removed from the student’s person and/or personal effects and turned over to law enforcement officials.
B. Locker/Storage Area Searches
1. The school provides a locker/storage area for convenience of the student to be used solely and exclusively for the storage of outer garments, footwear, and school-related materials.
No student shall use the locker/storage area for any other purpose.
Legal Reference: Wisconsin State Statute §118.257, 118.32, 118.325, 120.12(1), 120.13
Cross Reference: Policy 446 Attachment-Documentation Report, 443.3-Tobacco Use by Students, 443.4-Student Alcohol and Other Drug Use, 443.5-Electronic Paging and Communication Devices, 443.6-
Student Use of Life Endangering Device; 443.8-Gang Related Behavior
2. The locker/storage area assigned to a student is the property of the Wautoma Area School District. At no time does the District relinquish its exclusive control of such lockers/storage areas.
3. A locker/storage area may be searched as determined necessary or appropriate without notice, without student consent, and without a search warrant by school authorities.
4. Any unauthorized item found in the locker/storage area may be removed. Items removed from the locker/storage area may be held by the school for return to the parent/guardian of the student or retained for disciplinary proceedings, or turned over to law enforcement officials. The adult student or parent/legal guardian of a minor student shall be notified of items removed from the locker and turned over to law enforcement officials.
5. The Wautoma Area School District does not assume responsibility for the loss, damage, or destruction of any property stored in the student lockers/storage areas.
C. Documentation
Any search by school authorities must be documented. Such documentation shall contain the following information:
1. Person or locker/storage area searched.
2. Reason for the search.
3. Information relied on.
4. List of items found.
5. List of items seized.
6. Disposition of matter.
7. Signature of person conducting search.
8. Signature of witness.
9. Date of search.
D. Retention of Materials
Any items that are seized during a search by school authorities should be safeguarded until the appropriate authorities have made a determination for the disposition of said items.
E. The District shall include a copy of this policy in the student handbook that is distributed annually to each student enrolled in the District.
Wautoma Area School District
Approved 09/23/99
Revised 07/25/02
Person or locker/storage area searched:
Reason for search:
Information relied on:
List of items found
List of items seized
Person or locker/storage area searched:
Disposition of items
Signature of School Authority Conducting Search Date
Signature of Witness Date
Approved 09/23/99
Revised 07/25/02
Person or locker/storage area searched:
Reason for search:
Information relied on:
List of items found
List of items seized
Person or locker/storage area searched:
Disposition of items
Signature of School Authority Conducting Search Date
Signature of Witness Date
Wautoma Area School District
Approved 01/29/2004
The Wautoma Area School District has the following responsibilities in regard to emergencies and accidents.
To prevent accidents from happening.
To offer instruction in health and safety.
To execute a program of action when emergencies occur.
Cross Reference: Policy 453.1 Rule-Emergency Nursing Services Guidelines; Crisis Management Plans
Approved 01/29/2004
The Wautoma Area School District has the following responsibilities in regard to emergencies and accidents.
To prevent accidents from happening.
To offer instruction in health and safety.
To execute a program of action when emergencies occur.
Cross Reference: Policy 453.1 Rule-Emergency Nursing Services Guidelines; Crisis Management Plans
Wautoma Area School District
Approved 9/28/1989
Revised 9/28/1997; 01/29/2004
A. Exclusion from school
1 Severe Injury
a The assessment of injury or illness may be done by the principal, District Nurse, or teacher with a reasonable background of first aid.
b If necessary, initiate life saving procedures.
c Student’s registration card shall be consulted.
d The student’s parent/guardian shall be contacted as soon as possible.
e Transport the sick or injured student by an ambulance service.
f A copy of the student’s current school year registration card shall go with the student to the medical facility.
2 Students with the following symptoms shall be sent home
a Oral temperatures of 100° or more regardless of symptoms.
b Diarrhea.
c Persistent headache.
d Severe cold or cough.
e Vomiting.
f Pink eye (conjunctivitis).
g Impetigo, scabies, or rashes of unknown origin.
h Ringworm of scalp or body.
i Obviously ill.
3 Students With The Following Symptoms May Or May Not Be Sent Home Depending On Further Evaluation
a Headache.
b Stomachache.
c Unusual listlessness or quietness.
d Sore throat.
e Rash or hives.
f Lice or nits.
g Excessive filth.
h Excessive itching.
4 Students with the following symptoms should warrant evaluation by the nurse or school principal for possible recommendation to parent/legal guardian or practitioner.
a Pallor.
b Reddened eyes.
c Erratic behavior.
d Other symptom(s) that appear to be unusual for the student or do not appear ‘normal’
as compared with classmates.
5 Students with chronic complaint(s)
a Must be evaluated.
b The teacher, principal, or nurse should not make a diagnosis, but should refer the complaint to the parent/guardian and/or practitioner if warranted.
c Until a symptom is medically determined to be non-organic, the student should be treated as ill.
B Transportation
1. The District will provide for transportation if the parent/legal guardian cannot provide transportation for their sick or injured child.
2. Personnel shall be designated to transport students home or to a medical facility. It is recommended that at least two (2) staff members shall be so designated.
3. The District Nurse, if available, shall be consulted as to the need of transportation to the medical facility.
4. If injury is server an ambulance shall be called and the District Nurse will attend, if available.
C Return to School
1 Need for a practitioner’s certificate shall be required for the following.
a All contagious diseases (see Common Communicable Diseases Wall Chart).
b Chronic complaints (at judgment of school administration).
c Specific medical regime (at judgment of school administration).
D. Extra-Curricular Activities
1. An EMT, practitioner, nurse, certified athletic trainer, or physical therapist will be available at all varsity football games and means to contact medical service will be available for all activities.
2. First aid supplies, to include a stretcher, shall be readily accessible.
3. Students involved in school-sponsored sports shall have a current school year registration card signed by parent/guardian and on file with the Athletic Department prior to participation. The card shall accompany student with transport.
4. At all practices the activities coach or director shall be responsible for availability of first aid supplies, evaluation and disposition of any injuries, and transportation of any injured.
Approved 9/28/1989
Revised 9/28/1997; 01/29/2004
A. Exclusion from school
1 Severe Injury
a The assessment of injury or illness may be done by the principal, District Nurse, or teacher with a reasonable background of first aid.
b If necessary, initiate life saving procedures.
c Student’s registration card shall be consulted.
d The student’s parent/guardian shall be contacted as soon as possible.
e Transport the sick or injured student by an ambulance service.
f A copy of the student’s current school year registration card shall go with the student to the medical facility.
2 Students with the following symptoms shall be sent home
a Oral temperatures of 100° or more regardless of symptoms.
b Diarrhea.
c Persistent headache.
d Severe cold or cough.
e Vomiting.
f Pink eye (conjunctivitis).
g Impetigo, scabies, or rashes of unknown origin.
h Ringworm of scalp or body.
i Obviously ill.
3 Students With The Following Symptoms May Or May Not Be Sent Home Depending On Further Evaluation
a Headache.
b Stomachache.
c Unusual listlessness or quietness.
d Sore throat.
e Rash or hives.
f Lice or nits.
g Excessive filth.
h Excessive itching.
4 Students with the following symptoms should warrant evaluation by the nurse or school principal for possible recommendation to parent/legal guardian or practitioner.
a Pallor.
b Reddened eyes.
c Erratic behavior.
d Other symptom(s) that appear to be unusual for the student or do not appear ‘normal’
as compared with classmates.
5 Students with chronic complaint(s)
a Must be evaluated.
b The teacher, principal, or nurse should not make a diagnosis, but should refer the complaint to the parent/guardian and/or practitioner if warranted.
c Until a symptom is medically determined to be non-organic, the student should be treated as ill.
B Transportation
1. The District will provide for transportation if the parent/legal guardian cannot provide transportation for their sick or injured child.
2. Personnel shall be designated to transport students home or to a medical facility. It is recommended that at least two (2) staff members shall be so designated.
3. The District Nurse, if available, shall be consulted as to the need of transportation to the medical facility.
4. If injury is server an ambulance shall be called and the District Nurse will attend, if available.
C Return to School
1 Need for a practitioner’s certificate shall be required for the following.
a All contagious diseases (see Common Communicable Diseases Wall Chart).
b Chronic complaints (at judgment of school administration).
c Specific medical regime (at judgment of school administration).
D. Extra-Curricular Activities
1. An EMT, practitioner, nurse, certified athletic trainer, or physical therapist will be available at all varsity football games and means to contact medical service will be available for all activities.
2. First aid supplies, to include a stretcher, shall be readily accessible.
3. Students involved in school-sponsored sports shall have a current school year registration card signed by parent/guardian and on file with the Athletic Department prior to participation. The card shall accompany student with transport.
4. At all practices the activities coach or director shall be responsible for availability of first aid supplies, evaluation and disposition of any injuries, and transportation of any injured.
Wautoma Area School District
Approved 6/27/1996
Revised 03/03/2003; 01/29/2004
In general, medication should be administered to District students by the parent/legal guardian at home. However, the Wautoma Area school District acknowledges that students may require prescribed medication during the school day.
Under exceptional circumstances, medication may be administered by District personnel under the appropriate rules relating to medication procedures as follows:
A. School personnel will administer no prescription medication unless both the parent/legal guardian completes Policy 453.4 Exhibit 1-Request for Administering Medication at School and the practitioner contact information is on file in the student’s school office.
1. Practitioner includes physician, dentist, podiatrist, optometrist, physician assistant, advanced practice nurse prescriber licensed in the state,
2. A new form must be completed each school year and whenever the practitioner changes the prescription.
3. Prescription medication shall be administered in compliance with written instructions of the prescribing practitioner
B. Medication to be given while at school must have the following information printed on the container:
1. Student’s full name.
2. Name of the medication and dosage.
3. Time to be given.
4. Practitioner’s name and phone number.
5. Dispensing pharmacy name and phone number.
C. Medication will be taken by the student at the designated time and administered by designated school building personnel. It is the responsibility of the student to go to the office at the designated time to get his/her medication with consideration given for age and ability of the student to safely assume this responsibility.
D. If the student refuses to take the prescribed medication, the parent/legal guardian shall be contacted immediately. If the parent/legal guardian is not available, the physician on record shall be contacted.
E. In order for the District Nurse to monitor this function, the District must identify at least two (2) District personnel per building to administer medications and trained by the District Nurse. The District Nurse, who shall report irregularities to the building administrator, shall monitor dispensing of medications on a regular basis.
F. No medication shall be stored in classrooms with the exception of medications that would be used in emergencies such as inhalers and Epi pens, Such medication may be kept with the student if that area of Policy 453.4 Exhibit 1-Request for Administering Medication at School is completed by the parent/legal guardian.
G. All medications administered at the school shall be kept in a locked area. Only limited quantities of any medication are to be kept at school.
Legal Reference: Wisconsin State Statute §118.29, 118.291, 121.02(1)(g), Wisconsin Administrative Code PI8.01(2)(g); Wisconsin Act 82
Cross Reference: Policy 453.4 Exhibit 1-Reeeqeust for Administering Medication at School; 453.4 Exhibit 2-Medication Log
H. The length of time for which the medication is to be administered, which is not to exceed the current school year, shall be contained in the written instructions from the prescribing physician. Further written instructions must be received from the physician if any of the current practitioner’s instructions are changed including:
1. Dosage.
2. Time administered.
3. Discontinuation of the medication.
II. DOCUMENTATION - An accurate and confidential system of record keeping shall be established for each student receiving medications as follows:
A. A list of the students requiring medication shall be kept in the building administrator’s office during school hours or the District Nurse’s office including type of medication, time to be given and the date the medications is to be discontinued. The list shall be updated when required.
B. An individual record (453.1 Exhibit 2-Medication Log) of each student receiving medication shall be kept including the type of medication, the dosage, the time give, and duration.
C. School personnel shall report any unusual behavior of students on medications to the District nurse or the building administrator.
A. Designated personnel shall administer nonprescription medications only with written consent of the parent/legal guardian on the Request for Administering Medication at School Form
(453.1 Exhibit 1)
1. Nonprescription medication shall be retained in the original container complete with readable dispensing instructions.
2. Nonprescription medication shall be administered in compliance with written instructions as provided on the original container.
Approved 6/27/1996
Revised 03/03/2003; 01/29/2004
In general, medication should be administered to District students by the parent/legal guardian at home. However, the Wautoma Area school District acknowledges that students may require prescribed medication during the school day.
Under exceptional circumstances, medication may be administered by District personnel under the appropriate rules relating to medication procedures as follows:
A. School personnel will administer no prescription medication unless both the parent/legal guardian completes Policy 453.4 Exhibit 1-Request for Administering Medication at School and the practitioner contact information is on file in the student’s school office.
1. Practitioner includes physician, dentist, podiatrist, optometrist, physician assistant, advanced practice nurse prescriber licensed in the state,
2. A new form must be completed each school year and whenever the practitioner changes the prescription.
3. Prescription medication shall be administered in compliance with written instructions of the prescribing practitioner
B. Medication to be given while at school must have the following information printed on the container:
1. Student’s full name.
2. Name of the medication and dosage.
3. Time to be given.
4. Practitioner’s name and phone number.
5. Dispensing pharmacy name and phone number.
C. Medication will be taken by the student at the designated time and administered by designated school building personnel. It is the responsibility of the student to go to the office at the designated time to get his/her medication with consideration given for age and ability of the student to safely assume this responsibility.
D. If the student refuses to take the prescribed medication, the parent/legal guardian shall be contacted immediately. If the parent/legal guardian is not available, the physician on record shall be contacted.
E. In order for the District Nurse to monitor this function, the District must identify at least two (2) District personnel per building to administer medications and trained by the District Nurse. The District Nurse, who shall report irregularities to the building administrator, shall monitor dispensing of medications on a regular basis.
F. No medication shall be stored in classrooms with the exception of medications that would be used in emergencies such as inhalers and Epi pens, Such medication may be kept with the student if that area of Policy 453.4 Exhibit 1-Request for Administering Medication at School is completed by the parent/legal guardian.
G. All medications administered at the school shall be kept in a locked area. Only limited quantities of any medication are to be kept at school.
Legal Reference: Wisconsin State Statute §118.29, 118.291, 121.02(1)(g), Wisconsin Administrative Code PI8.01(2)(g); Wisconsin Act 82
Cross Reference: Policy 453.4 Exhibit 1-Reeeqeust for Administering Medication at School; 453.4 Exhibit 2-Medication Log
H. The length of time for which the medication is to be administered, which is not to exceed the current school year, shall be contained in the written instructions from the prescribing physician. Further written instructions must be received from the physician if any of the current practitioner’s instructions are changed including:
1. Dosage.
2. Time administered.
3. Discontinuation of the medication.
II. DOCUMENTATION - An accurate and confidential system of record keeping shall be established for each student receiving medications as follows:
A. A list of the students requiring medication shall be kept in the building administrator’s office during school hours or the District Nurse’s office including type of medication, time to be given and the date the medications is to be discontinued. The list shall be updated when required.
B. An individual record (453.1 Exhibit 2-Medication Log) of each student receiving medication shall be kept including the type of medication, the dosage, the time give, and duration.
C. School personnel shall report any unusual behavior of students on medications to the District nurse or the building administrator.
A. Designated personnel shall administer nonprescription medications only with written consent of the parent/legal guardian on the Request for Administering Medication at School Form
(453.1 Exhibit 1)
1. Nonprescription medication shall be retained in the original container complete with readable dispensing instructions.
2. Nonprescription medication shall be administered in compliance with written instructions as provided on the original container.
Wautoma Area School District
Approved 9/28/1989
Revised 03/13/2003
STUDENT INFORMATION – to be completed by District Nurse
Student’s Name:
Date of Birth:
Parent/Legal Guardian:
Phone Number:
MEDICAL ORDER – to be completed by Practioner. Not required for over-the-counter medication.
Please return to Wautoma Area School District, PO Box 870, Wautoma WI 54982-0870
Dose and Route:
Hour(s) to be Given:
Diagnosis/Reason for Medication:
Order Valid Until:
Please contact me if the following conditions or reactions to the medication occurs:
I agree to retain the power to direct, supervise, decide, inspect, and oversee the administration of such medication.
Direct contact shall be made with me at anytime should you have any questions.
Practitioner’s Name please print
Practitioner’s Signature
1. A written request as stated on this form must be received from the practitioner AND parent/legal guardian before medication is administered at school.
2. The practitioner must notify the school in writing when the medication is stopped or when any change in the order is necessary.
3. Medication to be administered must have the student’s name, name of the medication and dosage, time to be given, practitioner’s name and contact number, and dispensing pharmacy and contact number printed on the container.
4. Medication that may lawfully be sold over-the-counter (cough medicine, acetaminophen, aspirin, etc.) require written instruction and consent from the parent/legal guardian. Practitioner instructions are not required.
I hereby give permission to school personnel to administer medication to my child according to the above directions and to contact the practitioner if needed. I agree to hold the Wautoma Area School district and designated school employees harmless in any and all claims arising from the administration of this medication at school.
Signature of Parent/Legal Guardian
I hereby give permission for my child to carry his/her emergency medication (i.e. Epi pen, inhaler) on their person.
Signature of Parent/Legal Guardian Date
Approved 9/28/1989
Revised 03/13/2003
STUDENT INFORMATION – to be completed by District Nurse
Student’s Name:
Date of Birth:
Parent/Legal Guardian:
Phone Number:
MEDICAL ORDER – to be completed by Practioner. Not required for over-the-counter medication.
Please return to Wautoma Area School District, PO Box 870, Wautoma WI 54982-0870
Dose and Route:
Hour(s) to be Given:
Diagnosis/Reason for Medication:
Order Valid Until:
Please contact me if the following conditions or reactions to the medication occurs:
I agree to retain the power to direct, supervise, decide, inspect, and oversee the administration of such medication.
Direct contact shall be made with me at anytime should you have any questions.
Practitioner’s Name please print
Practitioner’s Signature
1. A written request as stated on this form must be received from the practitioner AND parent/legal guardian before medication is administered at school.
2. The practitioner must notify the school in writing when the medication is stopped or when any change in the order is necessary.
3. Medication to be administered must have the student’s name, name of the medication and dosage, time to be given, practitioner’s name and contact number, and dispensing pharmacy and contact number printed on the container.
4. Medication that may lawfully be sold over-the-counter (cough medicine, acetaminophen, aspirin, etc.) require written instruction and consent from the parent/legal guardian. Practitioner instructions are not required.
I hereby give permission to school personnel to administer medication to my child according to the above directions and to contact the practitioner if needed. I agree to hold the Wautoma Area School district and designated school employees harmless in any and all claims arising from the administration of this medication at school.
Signature of Parent/Legal Guardian
I hereby give permission for my child to carry his/her emergency medication (i.e. Epi pen, inhaler) on their person.
Signature of Parent/Legal Guardian Date
MEDICATION LOG 453.4 Exhibit 2
Wautoma Area School District
Approved 9/28/1989
Revised 03/13/2003
STUDENT INFORMATION – to be completed by District Nurse
Student’s Name:
Date of Birth:
X – No School
D – Early Release Day
A – Absent
S – Late Start Day
Designated personnel must initial upon administration of medication in proper box
Signature Initials Signature Initials
Legal Reference: Wisconsin State Statute §145.06(1), 252.21
Cross Reference: Board Policy 453.33 Rule-Communicable Diseases-Head Lice
Approved 9/28/1989
Revised 03/13/2003
STUDENT INFORMATION – to be completed by District Nurse
Student’s Name:
Date of Birth:
X – No School
D – Early Release Day
A – Absent
S – Late Start Day
Designated personnel must initial upon administration of medication in proper box
Signature Initials Signature Initials
Legal Reference: Wisconsin State Statute §145.06(1), 252.21
Cross Reference: Board Policy 453.33 Rule-Communicable Diseases-Head Lice
Wautoma Area School District
Approved 01/25/01
Head Lice (Pediculosis) is commonly referred to as a nuisance disease because it rarely is associated with serious medical complications. The parasite can spread easily in schools through close personal contact with another infected individual or through the sharing of grooming aids or clothing items. Instructions for the prevention and treatment of head lice can be obtained from the secretary in each school office or from the District Office.
Approved 01/25/01
Head Lice (Pediculosis) is commonly referred to as a nuisance disease because it rarely is associated with serious medical complications. The parasite can spread easily in schools through close personal contact with another infected individual or through the sharing of grooming aids or clothing items. Instructions for the prevention and treatment of head lice can be obtained from the secretary in each school office or from the District Office.
Wautoma Area School District
Approved 01/25/2001
Revised 01/29/2004
Principals, in cooperation with the school nurse, shall determine whether classroom inspection for suspect cases of head lice is necessary. Along with this, classroom inspection in all buildings will take place at the beginning of the school term, and again following any break in the calendar resulting in what would normally be five or more school days.
If a case of head lice is confirmed, the principal shall take the following action:
1. Communicate with the parent/legal guardian of children attending the school and advise that head lice have been discovered and suggest means of prevention and treatment.
2. Exclude from school students experiencing a first head-lice infestation until proper treatment has been received. Provide written notice to the parent/legal guardian and a fact sheet on head lice.
3. Exclude from school students experiencing two infestations of head lice within a 30-day period until proper treatment has been received. Provide written notice to the parent/legal guardian and a fact sheet on head lice. Refer student to the school nurse for family education on prevention and treatment of head lice.
4. Principals, in cooperation with the school nurse, shall exclude students from school who have experienced three or more head lice infestations within a 45-day-period until proper treatment and nit removal have taken place.
5. Principals, in cooperation with the school nurse, have the discretion to exclude students from school at the first occurrence for any infested child and are granted the authority to go to a "no-nit" procedure if it is determined lice infestation is at unmanageable proportions.
6. The school office will reexamine the student to determine whether treatment was effective in elimination of head lice and nits (when appropriate). Students who have not returned to school shall have their attendance monitored by the school attendance officer.
Approved 01/25/2001
Revised 01/29/2004
Principals, in cooperation with the school nurse, shall determine whether classroom inspection for suspect cases of head lice is necessary. Along with this, classroom inspection in all buildings will take place at the beginning of the school term, and again following any break in the calendar resulting in what would normally be five or more school days.
If a case of head lice is confirmed, the principal shall take the following action:
1. Communicate with the parent/legal guardian of children attending the school and advise that head lice have been discovered and suggest means of prevention and treatment.
2. Exclude from school students experiencing a first head-lice infestation until proper treatment has been received. Provide written notice to the parent/legal guardian and a fact sheet on head lice.
3. Exclude from school students experiencing two infestations of head lice within a 30-day period until proper treatment has been received. Provide written notice to the parent/legal guardian and a fact sheet on head lice. Refer student to the school nurse for family education on prevention and treatment of head lice.
4. Principals, in cooperation with the school nurse, shall exclude students from school who have experienced three or more head lice infestations within a 45-day-period until proper treatment and nit removal have taken place.
5. Principals, in cooperation with the school nurse, have the discretion to exclude students from school at the first occurrence for any infested child and are granted the authority to go to a "no-nit" procedure if it is determined lice infestation is at unmanageable proportions.
6. The school office will reexamine the student to determine whether treatment was effective in elimination of head lice and nits (when appropriate). Students who have not returned to school shall have their attendance monitored by the school attendance officer.
Wautoma Area School District
Approved: 06/26/2006
Legal Reference: American with Disabilities Act
The Wautoma Area School District Board of Education recognizes the potential health risk to students, staff, and community members who are sensitive to latex products. In a school setting, latex typically is used in latex balloons for classroom parties and school celebrations, as well as latex rubber gloves that are used in health rooms and kitchens. Other sources may include physical education equipment such as balls and exercise bands.
Therefore, the District will strive to provide a latex free environment on all school premises through the use of alternative products. School premises’ includes, but is not limited to all property owned, rented, or under the control of the District through the authority of the Board of Education.
Legal Reference: Wisconsin State Statute §118.295
Cross Reference: Policy 457 Rule-Suicide Intervention Procedures, 723 Rule (2) Sudden Death Response Plan,
Crisis Management Plans
Approved: 06/26/2006
Legal Reference: American with Disabilities Act
The Wautoma Area School District Board of Education recognizes the potential health risk to students, staff, and community members who are sensitive to latex products. In a school setting, latex typically is used in latex balloons for classroom parties and school celebrations, as well as latex rubber gloves that are used in health rooms and kitchens. Other sources may include physical education equipment such as balls and exercise bands.
Therefore, the District will strive to provide a latex free environment on all school premises through the use of alternative products. School premises’ includes, but is not limited to all property owned, rented, or under the control of the District through the authority of the Board of Education.
Legal Reference: Wisconsin State Statute §118.295
Cross Reference: Policy 457 Rule-Suicide Intervention Procedures, 723 Rule (2) Sudden Death Response Plan,
Crisis Management Plans
Wautoma Area School District
Approved 01/29/2004
The Board of Education is aware that students may have personal concerns regarding growth and development in academic, physical, social, and emotional areas. The Board further recognizes the need for a policy and guidelines that will aid in the prevention and intervention of youth suicide and directs the administration to designate staff members at each school location who shall serve as the Crisis Intervention Team.
The Wisconsin legislature has also recognized the importance of attempting to prevent youth suicide and has created an immunity from civil liability for individuals who, in good faith, attempt to prevent suicide by a student.
The District acknowledges that the purpose of this statute is to encourage all school district employees to report and attempt to prevent suicide by students who exhibit suicidal symptoms.
Approved 01/29/2004
The Board of Education is aware that students may have personal concerns regarding growth and development in academic, physical, social, and emotional areas. The Board further recognizes the need for a policy and guidelines that will aid in the prevention and intervention of youth suicide and directs the administration to designate staff members at each school location who shall serve as the Crisis Intervention Team.
The Wisconsin legislature has also recognized the importance of attempting to prevent youth suicide and has created an immunity from civil liability for individuals who, in good faith, attempt to prevent suicide by a student.
The District acknowledges that the purpose of this statute is to encourage all school district employees to report and attempt to prevent suicide by students who exhibit suicidal symptoms.
Wautoma Area School District
Approved 02/11/1988
Revised 01/29/2004
Crisis Intervention Team
The team shall be comprised of the Building Principal, Building Assistant Principal (where applicable), School Guidance Counselor, District Psychologist, District Nurse, and School Liaison Officer.
A. Referred/Rumored Threat or Exhibited Symptoms of Suicide Threat
1. Interview witnesses, referral source, or rumor source and record all pertinent data.
2. Interview potential suicide risk and complete the referral for emergency suicide assessment.
3. Complete an informal assessment of situation.
4. Make determination based upon facts of the situation to refer or not to refer student for formal intervention.
5. If formal intervention is not indicated, complete documentation of situation.
6. If formal intervention is indicated, proceed to implement procedures listed under II-A or II-B.
B. Witnessed Suicide Threat
1. Student repeats threat in presence of designated interventionist.
2. Implement procedures under A, 2-6.
C. Suicide Attempt on District Premises
1. Implement procedures under II A and any other emergency medical techniques available.
2. Implement additional procedures under II B as may be appropriate.
3. Contact the Crisis Intervention Team to discuss the advisability of school intervention procedures.
D. Suicide Attempt Off District Premises
1. When a staff member learns of a suicide attempt, successful or not, the staff member shall contact the building administrator to initiate appropriate intervention actions.
The agencies agree to implement the following procedures upon determination by the
Crisis Intervention Team that formal intervention by Human Services is necessary.
A. Imminent Danger
1. Do not leave student alone.
2. Based on immediate assessment of the situation call 911.
3. Contact the building administrator or designee.
a) Contact District Nurse and Crisis Intervention Team.
4. Provide immediate first aid as needed and remain with student until medical assistance is obtained.
5. Notify parent/legal guardian.
B. No Imminent Danger
1. Contact building administrator or designee.
2. Contact parent/legal guardian and request they report to the school.
a) If parent/legal guardian refuse to acknowledge seriousness of situation and report as requested, contact 51.42 Agency (787.6550).
3. Contact 51.42 Agency (787.6550) to arrange the emergency suicide assessment.
4. Obtain all pertinent information related to the suicide threat.
5. Obtain all demographic data and basic background regarding the student.
6. The building administrator or designee will transport the student to the
51.42 agency for the emergency assessment provided the student consents.
7. School interventionists and/or the building administrator will participate in the emergency assessment, along with 51.42 staff, the parent/legal guardian and law enforcement personnel, if required.
C. Assessment Results
1. If immediate hospitalization is not indicated, the parent/legal guardian or
District employee will provide transportation for the student to either home or school as appropriate.
2. A member of the Crisis Intervention Team or other District staff who witnessed acts or threats shall be available to testify in the event of involuntary court proceedings.
3. Request two-way release of information from the student and parent/legal guardian in order to:
a) Continue comprehensive evaluation of the student beyond the emergency assessment.
b) Develop a coordinated service and treatment plan
c) Monitor the student’s progress following the suicide crisis.
d) Hold inter-agency staffing if continued planning and intervention is indicated.
Legal Reference: Wisconsin State Statute §118.13
Wisconsin Administrative Code PI 9.03(1)
Cross Reference: Policy 411-Equal Educational Opportunities
Approved 02/11/1988
Revised 01/29/2004
Crisis Intervention Team
The team shall be comprised of the Building Principal, Building Assistant Principal (where applicable), School Guidance Counselor, District Psychologist, District Nurse, and School Liaison Officer.
A. Referred/Rumored Threat or Exhibited Symptoms of Suicide Threat
1. Interview witnesses, referral source, or rumor source and record all pertinent data.
2. Interview potential suicide risk and complete the referral for emergency suicide assessment.
3. Complete an informal assessment of situation.
4. Make determination based upon facts of the situation to refer or not to refer student for formal intervention.
5. If formal intervention is not indicated, complete documentation of situation.
6. If formal intervention is indicated, proceed to implement procedures listed under II-A or II-B.
B. Witnessed Suicide Threat
1. Student repeats threat in presence of designated interventionist.
2. Implement procedures under A, 2-6.
C. Suicide Attempt on District Premises
1. Implement procedures under II A and any other emergency medical techniques available.
2. Implement additional procedures under II B as may be appropriate.
3. Contact the Crisis Intervention Team to discuss the advisability of school intervention procedures.
D. Suicide Attempt Off District Premises
1. When a staff member learns of a suicide attempt, successful or not, the staff member shall contact the building administrator to initiate appropriate intervention actions.
The agencies agree to implement the following procedures upon determination by the
Crisis Intervention Team that formal intervention by Human Services is necessary.
A. Imminent Danger
1. Do not leave student alone.
2. Based on immediate assessment of the situation call 911.
3. Contact the building administrator or designee.
a) Contact District Nurse and Crisis Intervention Team.
4. Provide immediate first aid as needed and remain with student until medical assistance is obtained.
5. Notify parent/legal guardian.
B. No Imminent Danger
1. Contact building administrator or designee.
2. Contact parent/legal guardian and request they report to the school.
a) If parent/legal guardian refuse to acknowledge seriousness of situation and report as requested, contact 51.42 Agency (787.6550).
3. Contact 51.42 Agency (787.6550) to arrange the emergency suicide assessment.
4. Obtain all pertinent information related to the suicide threat.
5. Obtain all demographic data and basic background regarding the student.
6. The building administrator or designee will transport the student to the
51.42 agency for the emergency assessment provided the student consents.
7. School interventionists and/or the building administrator will participate in the emergency assessment, along with 51.42 staff, the parent/legal guardian and law enforcement personnel, if required.
C. Assessment Results
1. If immediate hospitalization is not indicated, the parent/legal guardian or
District employee will provide transportation for the student to either home or school as appropriate.
2. A member of the Crisis Intervention Team or other District staff who witnessed acts or threats shall be available to testify in the event of involuntary court proceedings.
3. Request two-way release of information from the student and parent/legal guardian in order to:
a) Continue comprehensive evaluation of the student beyond the emergency assessment.
b) Develop a coordinated service and treatment plan
c) Monitor the student’s progress following the suicide crisis.
d) Hold inter-agency staffing if continued planning and intervention is indicated.
Legal Reference: Wisconsin State Statute §118.13
Wisconsin Administrative Code PI 9.03(1)
Cross Reference: Policy 411-Equal Educational Opportunities
Wautoma Area School District
Approved 07/27/87
Revised 07/25/02
Students in the District shall be informed by the Administration of any available academic scholarships.
Literature conveying available scholarships shall be posted in the school buildings. The high school guidance counselor shall maintain records of available scholarships and shall notify students of such scholarship opportunities.
This policy is cross-referenced with 411-Equal Educational Opportunities.
Legal Reference: Wisconsin State Statute §39.41
Wisconsin Administrative Code HEA 9
Cross Reference: Policy 345.6 Rule-Specific Graduation Requirements, 420 Rule-Procedures for Placing Transfer Students
Approved 07/27/87
Revised 07/25/02
Students in the District shall be informed by the Administration of any available academic scholarships.
Literature conveying available scholarships shall be posted in the school buildings. The high school guidance counselor shall maintain records of available scholarships and shall notify students of such scholarship opportunities.
This policy is cross-referenced with 411-Equal Educational Opportunities.
Legal Reference: Wisconsin State Statute §39.41
Wisconsin Administrative Code HEA 9
Cross Reference: Policy 345.6 Rule-Specific Graduation Requirements, 420 Rule-Procedures for Placing Transfer Students
Wautoma Area School District
Approved 2/1/90
Revised 07/25/02
Annually by February 15, The Board shall name the 12th grade student who has the highest grade point average in all subjects and who has met all graduation requirements as eligible to receive a higher education scholarship.
If two or more students in the same high school have the same grade point average and meet all graduation requirements, the high school faculty shall select the student eligible for the scholarship.
The following procedure will be the method used in which to break a tie:
1. The student receiving the scholarship is to have the highest composite ACT score (or SAT score converted to the ACT) and the student must have completed the ACT test by January of his/her senior year.
2. If the above step still results in a tie, then the students will submit a written application to the high school faculty listing his/her extracurricular activities. Special consideration will be given to the student who has had leadership roles. If the high school faculty so chooses, a personal interview could also take place to aid in the decision making process.
Approved 2/1/90
Revised 07/25/02
Annually by February 15, The Board shall name the 12th grade student who has the highest grade point average in all subjects and who has met all graduation requirements as eligible to receive a higher education scholarship.
If two or more students in the same high school have the same grade point average and meet all graduation requirements, the high school faculty shall select the student eligible for the scholarship.
The following procedure will be the method used in which to break a tie:
1. The student receiving the scholarship is to have the highest composite ACT score (or SAT score converted to the ACT) and the student must have completed the ACT test by January of his/her senior year.
2. If the above step still results in a tie, then the students will submit a written application to the high school faculty listing his/her extracurricular activities. Special consideration will be given to the student who has had leadership roles. If the high school faculty so chooses, a personal interview could also take place to aid in the decision making process.
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