Wautoma Area School District
Approved 9/28/1989
Revised 9/28/1997; 01/29/2004

A. Exclusion from school
1 Severe Injury
a The assessment of injury or illness may be done by the principal, District Nurse, or teacher with a reasonable background of first aid.
b If necessary, initiate life saving procedures.
c Student’s registration card shall be consulted.
d The student’s parent/guardian shall be contacted as soon as possible.
e Transport the sick or injured student by an ambulance service.
f A copy of the student’s current school year registration card shall go with the student to the medical facility.
2 Students with the following symptoms shall be sent home
a Oral temperatures of 100° or more regardless of symptoms.
b Diarrhea.
c Persistent headache.
d Severe cold or cough.
e Vomiting.
f Pink eye (conjunctivitis).
g Impetigo, scabies, or rashes of unknown origin.
h Ringworm of scalp or body.
i Obviously ill.
3 Students With The Following Symptoms May Or May Not Be Sent Home Depending On Further Evaluation
a Headache.
b Stomachache.
c Unusual listlessness or quietness.
d Sore throat.
e Rash or hives.
f Lice or nits.
g Excessive filth.
h Excessive itching.
4 Students with the following symptoms should warrant evaluation by the nurse or school principal for possible recommendation to parent/legal guardian or practitioner.
a Pallor.
b Reddened eyes.
c Erratic behavior.
d Other symptom(s) that appear to be unusual for the student or do not appear ‘normal’
as compared with classmates.
5 Students with chronic complaint(s)
a Must be evaluated.
b The teacher, principal, or nurse should not make a diagnosis, but should refer the complaint to the parent/guardian and/or practitioner if warranted.
c Until a symptom is medically determined to be non-organic, the student should be treated as ill.
B Transportation
1. The District will provide for transportation if the parent/legal guardian cannot provide transportation for their sick or injured child.
2. Personnel shall be designated to transport students home or to a medical facility. It is recommended that at least two (2) staff members shall be so designated.
3. The District Nurse, if available, shall be consulted as to the need of transportation to the medical facility.
4. If injury is server an ambulance shall be called and the District Nurse will attend, if available.
C Return to School
1 Need for a practitioner’s certificate shall be required for the following.
a All contagious diseases (see Common Communicable Diseases Wall Chart).
b Chronic complaints (at judgment of school administration).
c Specific medical regime (at judgment of school administration).
D. Extra-Curricular Activities
1. An EMT, practitioner, nurse, certified athletic trainer, or physical therapist will be available at all varsity football games and means to contact medical service will be available for all activities.
2. First aid supplies, to include a stretcher, shall be readily accessible.
3. Students involved in school-sponsored sports shall have a current school year registration card signed by parent/guardian and on file with the Athletic Department prior to participation. The card shall accompany student with transport.
4. At all practices the activities coach or director shall be responsible for availability of first aid supplies, evaluation and disposition of any injuries, and transportation of any injured.